Silver Simulations

This my website where I will collect and publish my programs, which mainly deal with simulating various physical systems. Last updated: May 7, 2024

Cellular Automata Simulator

River Meander Simulation

A 3d Water Simulation - V1

A 3d Water Simulation - V2

A 3d Water Simulation - V3

A 3d Water Simulation - V4

A 3d Water Simulation - V5

A 3d Water Simulation - V6

A 3d Water Simulation - V7

Old INT-Generations CA Simulator

Bouncing Ball Simulaton

A Basic 3d Renderer

An Orbit Simulation

An String/Wave Simulation

A 2d Simulation of Water Overflowing

A 2d Heightmap Generator

A 2d Simulation of Streams Merging

Growing Thornbush Thing